60 to 80 hours a week as a part-time Mayor

06 Jun 60 to 80 hours a week as a part-time Mayor

Though being Mayor — compensated at $6,000 a year —  is not technically a full time job, I manage to spend about sixty to eighty hours a week being your mayor.  Thank goodness I love what I am doing.  The following highlights a typical weekend in the life of your Mayor:


  • Met City Manager and Planning Staff to discussion new Beaufort Code
  • Lunch with Councilman Murry and Director of YMCA to discuss potential for community center downtown
  • Attended Chamber of Commerce Civitas Dinner


  • Attended Hurricane Preparedness Event









  • Attended “graduation” for youth golfers hosted by Beaufort Charities










  • Met Humanities Festival Coordinator (event is this week!)
  • Toured the City taking pictures of city funded improvements to stormwater and sidewalk repairs the City is making to state properties









  • Met with small business man to discuss ways to expand his business while providing jobs for your people and exiting military
  • Attended and helped sponsor youth outing for residents of the Northwest Quadrant
  • Visited a storm water retention at Broad Street neighborhood where residents are concerned that city maintenance of stormwater ditch has lowered the level of retention pond the community sees as an amenity
  • Visited Construction site where Beaufort County Historical Society is concerned that storing heavy machinery, supplies and broken pipes and concrete is adversely impacting unknown, but possible, historical artifacts
  • Prepared weekly Newsletter

Some ask why I work so long and hard. I tell them simply that this is my hometown. I am proud of it and will do all within my means to make it even better. Thank you for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime.