Facing Sea Level Rise is Like Facing Diabetes

06 Sep Facing Sea Level Rise is Like Facing Diabetes

Facing Sea Level Rise is Like Facing Diabetes

When I participated in the National Diabetes campaign and ended up winning the opportunity to “kiss the pig,” l learned that denial is likely the biggest challenge to beating and/or managing diabetes.

When I talk at public forums on sea level rise around the region, I liken the challenge of recognizing the threat of sea level rise to denying that it is real.  I refuse to talk about politically charged debates about global warming. Rather,  I simply state what I have seen with my own eyes here in Beaufort as evidence that the levels of our waters are rising.

Thanks to a group of volunteers supported by scientists from the Sea Grant Consortium of the National Oceans and Atmosphere Administration, we already understand the largest threats to Beaufort and Port Royal.  Fortunately, our challenges are manageable if we get ahead of the curve.

This is not the case elsewhere. If you are interested in knowing more about the challenges elsewhere, read on:

Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global
Warming, Has Already Begun