Grants, grants and more grants help the city move forward

23 May Grants, grants and more grants help the city move forward

The Council and Redevelopment Commission brought on a grant writer to go after potential grants we may have been missing for city improvements.

Since the process started, we have added significant dollars to infrastructure improvements along Bladen and Duke Streets, repairs and improvements to the marina not the least of which are long awaited fixes for the transient pier, the dinghy dock and the proposed new day dock which is in the permitting stage.

Furthermore, we have achieved funding leading to at least one new police officer with vehicle. And finally, much needed equipment for our firefighters. These grants come from existing federal grant pools to which we have in the past not so aggressively sought. Deborah Johnson, the grant writer who also staffs the Redevelopment Commission, have more than paid for themselves bring available resources to the city at little staff cost and relatively small matches.

Between the $12 plus million grant for Boundary Street, the infrastructure grants  and those for fire and police support, it is fair to say that within the past several years we have achieved more in grants than any time in Beaufort’s history. This is to say nothing of grants for the Spanish Moss Trail, the largest of which came Beaufort County from the Cox Family and the Paths Foundation to whom the Cox’s are large contributors .  It is the plan to extend the Spanish Moss Trail to Clarendon Road by Fall again with thanks to the Friends of the Spanish Moss Trail, Beaufort County Council and the Cox/Path Foundation collaboration.

Thanks to all who have been working on these initiatives that are paying off while making improvements to the our wonderful city outside of our annual taxes.