Stormwater Drainage - We can AND MUST do better

20 Sep Stormwater Drainage - We can AND MUST do better

With Irma past, whether we accept or reject what could be the new normal in 2100 if not before, it is time to address the hard facts of stormwater drainage and rising sea levels regardless of the reasons.  By pointing fingers, undermining facts, scaring the citizenry we are doing ourselves and our communities a disservice.  We can do better by working together to make sure this does not happen. There are ways out if we collaborate and deal in reality.

Monday Rep Shannon Erickson, County Council Member Alice Howard and I convened a group of about 20 staff and engineers from the SC Department of Transportation, Beaufort County and the City of Beaufort and charged them with standing up a task force, funding a study leading  to a plan to mitigate as much of the problem as possible.  Royal Oaks, Mossy Oaks and the parts of Port Royal north of Ribaut Road will be the initial area of study.

While the engineers are working on this, the governments working in tandem will be searching for an estimated $3 million dollars it could take to do the massive amount of work.

The Task Force will have a meeting for public input on September 28th at 7 PM at Beaufort City Hall.  Please join us if you would like to hear and be heard.

I know the last thing people want to hear about is a study and a plan. They want and deserve action.  But to do more than the piecemeal approach that we have not been able to keep up with, we need this kind of collaboration and planning to fix the problems and raise the dollars to pay for it. So, as much as those who have suffered damages from heavy rains, from tropical storms and hurricanes are rightfully frustrated and unfairly burdened, this is what it takes in the realm of the government sector. I wish there was a faster way.

In my heart of heart, I believe we are finally headed in the right direction with the horsepower harnessed to begin to tackle this huge problem. Thank you Rep Erickson, Council member Howard and all of the state, county and city staff who are rallying to the cry.