There IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO! And it only takes a minute

27 Jun There IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO! And it only takes a minute

In early June, the Administration in Washington began the public process to allow seismic testing to occur.

Oil exploration companies use seismic airgun blasts to map the ocean subfloor, searching for sites to test drill. The blasts produce some of the loudest underwater sounds known to people — loud enough to cause serious injury to whales and threaten their survival. Sounds from the blasts can travel 2,500 miles ­underwater and are repeated every 10 seconds for days and weeks during exploration.

This seismic testing would take place right off South Carolina’s coast, debilitating vulnerable marine mammals that are supposed to be protected under federal law. There are approximately 500 North Atlantic right whales left in the world. Harming even one is currently prohibited by the Marine Mammal Protection Act and scientists agree allowing seismic testing within its range would jeopardize its survival[1].

The first step in issuing seismic permits is an “authorization” (“Incidental Harassment Authorization, or IHA) for specific oil exploration companies to “take” (i.e, injure, harm, or harass) marine mammals, such as the North Atlantic Right Whale. There is currently a 30-day comment period on proposed Incidental Harassment Authorizations for five oil exploration companies. Comments are due by midnight on July 6, 2017.
If you would like to join friends and neighbors in opposing the proposed ruling follow the link to the SCCCL

And if you would like to read what the scientists are saying about the environmental impact you may want to read: