150+ Letters, 1250+ Signatures and NOW a public hearing

13 Dec 150+ Letters, 1250+ Signatures and NOW a public hearing

Thursday the National Park Service and the Department of the Interior will be in Beaufort to measure support for asking the President to establish a multi-site Reconstruction Era Monument in Beaufort County.

Over the past month more than 150 citizens, historians, preservationists and local organizations and businesses have written letters of support.  During that same period more than 1250 people have signed a petition to the President.

The next step is for those who support,  as well as others who have questions or want to learn more, is to attend a public hearing called by Congressman Jim Clyburn.

Brick Church on Martin Luther King Drive, St. Helena Island

12:00-2:00PM on Thursday, December 15

Please make the time to come out. If you have not already done so, there is still time to sign the petition and encourage others to join you.

And there is still time to write a letter to Secretary of Interior Sally Jewell.

Sample Letter to customize around your reasons for support.

Dear Secretary Jewell:

 I believe the Reconstruction Era Monument in Beaufort South Carolina is important to our community, our state and to the Nation. We salute the Department of the Interior for establishing 30 Civil War Monuments, yet not one has been established to remember Reconstruction.

I understand a monument is being considered but most be established by mid January.  So time is short.

Please do all within your authority to recommend the creation of a multi-site Reconstruction Era Monument in Beaufort,SC between now and the end of your Administration.


Your Name

Send to billyk@islc.net to be packaged with others and sent to the Secretary.

Hope to see you at Brick Church on Thursday!