19 Nov A Great Weekend
What a Great Weekend!
Being Mayor gives me a front row seat at many exciting events that happen in our special community. Schedule conflicts sometimes make it impossible to be everywhere but I do my best to support as much as I can.
Friday afternoon I greeted about 300 art teachers from the SC Association of Arts Educators who had their annual conference, for the second time, in Beaufort. It was a joy to meet these talented people who work so hard to open the eyes, ears and hearts of students to their surroundings while helping them capture what they learn through their artistic responses.
Saturday morning, with other community leaders, I helped cut the ribbon for the new Neighborhood Outreach Connection at Marsh View. NOC Marsh View is one of two new after school, weekend and summer neighborhood educational centers established with the Beaufort County School District, Beaufort Elementary School and the Beaufort Housing Authority. Now children living in these neighborhoods have a safe place to go after school with teachers there to help them with their homework and character building activities. We are fortunate that the program launched on Hilton Head Island and in Bluffton has now made it to Beaufort. A special thanks to those who have contributed time, energy, ingenuity and financially to get the centers open. Thank you to Dr. Sharma and the NOC Boards whose vision made this a reality. By the way, Will Achurch chairs the Beaufort Board and will likely be calling on many of us for support to sustain what appears to be a very strong asset to our community.
Saturday afternoon, it was out to St Helena Island for Penn Center’s, perhaps largest ever, Heritage Days Celebration where hundreds of residents and tourists were entertained, fed and had a wonderful afternoon.
And then to Whale Branch Early College High School of the Extra Mile Counts Club’s final football games. EMC is a group of citizens who formed a non-profit, without government support, to help young men and women grow into community leaders. While athletics is the center piece of their year round activities, character education and leadership are central to their success.
And finally to the Exchange Clubs annual Auction to raise funds for Child Abuse Prevention Association at Port Royal’s Shed. A great event, fun entertainment, good food and fellowship with silent and live auctions that hopefully provided more fuel for CAPA to sustain the important services they provide to our young people in need.
Who could ask for a more exciting, entertaining and weekend in any town let alone our small vibrant community?
A special thanks to all of those who make these kinds of events and weekends happen in our hometown.