31 Jan Abandoned Boats? Who is going to take them away
Shortly after Hurricane Matthew, City officials met with the Coast Guard, Beaufort County and the Department of Natural Resources to determine who would move the seemingly abandoned boats that washed-up into the marshes of Factory Creek on Ladys Island.
Following a meeting at which all were concerned, each indicated they did not have the funding. On behalf of City Council, City Manager Bill Prokop wrote to Governor Haley for relief. It did not take long before we received a letter from the former Governor stating that the SC Department of Natural Resources was responsible and would handle the matter.
While funding is not yet in sight, DNR is committed to contacting the “owners” they can identify and then remove what is left. Unfortunately there is a process that may take up 45-90 days. The good news, however, is that we know who is in charge as city staff are prepared to help in any ways possible.
Abandoned boats from Hurricane Matthew still washed up on Lady’s Island