08 Aug Organize your Dragon Boat team!
The 4th Annual Dragonboat Beaufort Race Day is quickly approaching and will be held over Labor Day weekend, September 2nd and 3rd at Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park. The party kicks off with a free concert on Friday night at 6:00pm with hometown favorites The Cluster Shucks and The Sweetgrass Angels. Bring your blankets and chairs and prepare to dance the night away!
The following morning dragons of Beaufort will be racing for crowds of roaring supporters. You can be a part of all the action. Just gather your friends and coworkers for Beaufort’s “must do” event. Race teams are made up of 20 Paddlers, one Drummer and two alternates (at least 16 years of age). We will provide everything you will need – from race training to equipment.
If you don’t have a team and just want to come and paddle, consider joining the “Want to Paddle, Need a Team” team. Paddling not your thing? You can show your support by joining our virtual team, the Land Sharks (who do not paddle) fundraising team and you’ll be awarded with a medal on race day for raising as little as $100.
If you aren’t already – GET ON BOARD! Form a team and be a part of the excitement! All the information you need can be found at:
http://www.DragonBoat-RaceDay.com/ or call the Race Day Registration Line at (843) 271-4212 https://www.facebook.com/DragonBoatBeaufortRaceDay/