11 Apr Beaufort needs an alternate landing field
Note the letter to the editor in the Packet / Gazette featured below. I believe a petition to members of Congress and the Department of the Navy requesting a process to develop an Alternative Landing Field aka Outlying Field is in order.
When they held the Environmental Impact public hearings and collected written comments, I said that I supported the F35-B coming to Beaufort and MCAS Beaufort becoming a training base. I also said that an outlying field would be necessary. I stand by that. We have work to do.
Please note, this is NOT anti-MCAS or anti-Department of Navy. Rather it is an appeal to work together to maintain the good neighbor relations between our larger community and those whose mission of national defense is in accord with ours.
At the same time, is it fair that we are the only Marine Corp airfield that does not have an ALF/OLF when we are the training base (good thing) for F35-B? I do not think so and believe we should make ourselves heard.
Look for a petition I believe will soon be launched and sign it. Again, this is not a slight on the men and women who protect our freedom. This is an appeal to the Congress to give the military and our community what we need.
Take time to read the letter below. And then help me fulfill my promise to aggressively advocate the Outlying Field/ALF so I do not have to sleep on the tarmac. I know that if we all come together, we can get this done though it will take time and money.
Letter: Beaufort desperately needs alternate landing field