29 Feb Code overview presentations Mar 3 & 7
From Libby Anderson, City Planning Director
As you may be aware, the City of Beaufort is in the process of preparing a new development (zoning) code. This includes preparing and adopting a new zoning map. We have scheduled a series of public meetings (schedule attached) to discuss the new code and new zoning map. Our first public meeting, a general introduction to the code, is scheduled for Thursday, March 3, at 2:00 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall. This session will provide a history of the new code, an overview of the new ordinance, and the major changes between the new code and the existing code. The neighborhood meetings, scheduled for later in the month, will focus on the zoning map and the districts that are mapped in the various neighborhoods.
The attached link provides information on the new code process: http://www.cityofbeaufort.org/beaufort-code.aspx. The draft code on the site is the original version our technical committee reviewed. Note that their recommended changes, and other changes to date, are not reflected in that draft. We hope to have the code updated by early next week, at which time it will posted at the above link.
I hope you will be able to join us for the March 3-or March 7—code overview presentation.
Please contact me with any questions on the upcoming meetings, or the code development process.
Thank you.
Libby Anderson
Planning Director
City of Beaufort
(843) 525-7012