01 Nov Debris Removal is very much on our minds and I bet yours too!
I have received numerous calls asking when the debris stacked along the roadside will be picked up. I wish I knew the answer.
The only information we can provide is the Debris Removal Hotline telephone number 1-877-786-7612.
We would all like more answers and a schedule but they just do not work that way. Though it seems much longer, it has only been 3 weeks since the hurricane. Everyone has done a fantastic job getting us to where we are. As difficult as it may be we all need to be patient and understanding. To date the contractors have removed over 225 truck loads of debris and had to cut over 2,000 fallen limbs and trees. Please understand this clean up is going to take several months.
I can assure you that everyone is working hard and there is a huge amount of work to do.
Your understanding is appreciated.
Also please take a little time to think about our neighbors on Fripp Island, Harbor Island and on Hilton Head Island who had significant damage and considerable work ahead on homes and businesses in addition to debris removal. We were very lucky, and our hearts and thoughts go out to these neighbors who have an even longer road to recovery ahead.