29 Aug Elected officials working together on traffic study
It’s refreshing when elected officials can sit down, be civil, exchange information and do what is right for the citizens
Two weeks ago, the County Council Finance Committee tabled a motion to fund a study of traffic issues on Ladys Island. Over the ensuing week, hundreds of Ladys Island residents reached out through emails seeking support from the committee. Furthermore the City staff took the time to explain how little of the incorporated City is on the Island, while realizing that new retail could have make a current problem worse.
Fortunately, when the City Manager and I met with County Council’s Government and Finance Committees, and made the case for joint funding, the committee voted unanimously to fund 90% of the cost ($79,000) out of the $280,000 in impact fees the county collected from the new Wal-Mart.
Thanks to all for working together and let’s not forget Rep Shannon Erickson, not only for understanding that we are talking about state roads the need a fix, but for weighting in by working with all parties to find resolution. Thank you Shannon for your leadership.
As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Shannon understands that once the problem is fully understood, proposed solutions to fixing the problem will be costly and hopefully receive help from the SC DOT.
Beaufort County, city work to resolve traffic study ‘turf war’