20 Jun Have You Heard about “Beaufort Pride of Place”
Back when an organization called Civic Green opposed the redevelopment of the Marina parking lot, which the city council agreed to abandon, members of Civic Green pledged to help fund beautification of the Waterfront Park by collecting donations especially from citizens who live outside of the city but who love and take pride in the park used by so many.
While this never materialized, City Manager Bill Prokop opened a restricted account through which people could donate for specific improvements for the City.
A group on Pigeon Point started an account for benches in Pigeon Point Park. They sent neighbors to the site and enough was raised to purchase additional benches.
After working with Young Leaders of Beaufort, which has no official relationship to the City except through me and city staff who speak with the students, and is of no expense to taxpayers, several entities wanted to financially support Young Leaders of Beaufort. An account for this project was established with funds restricted to supporting initiatives for the effort.
If you have a pet project and see a need in the city that falls outside of our operations budget, you may want to use this vehicle to make a tax deductible contribution to make our city even better.
Go to the website and learn more and please share with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors who want to make a difference n their hometown.