17 Oct Hilton Head Island Beach Renourisment
Town of Hilton Head IslandOne Town Center Court, Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
(843)341-4600 / (FAX 842-7728)
Contact: Scott Liggett PE, Director of Public Projects and Facilities
(843)341-4776 (843)842-8587 FAX
Date: October 17, 2021
SUBJECT: 2016 Beach Nourishment Project - Progress Update
The Town’s contractor, Weeks Marine Incorporated expects to restart beach renourishment activities in South Forest Beach no later than October 19, 2021. The Town desires to replace the sand washed from our design template along the central oceanfront beach as a result of Hurricane Matthew. While the storm related sand losses from the template are measureable, the majority of the sand recently pumped on the beach remains in place. We are not “starting over.” Only a fraction of the sand that was originally placed will be re-pumped. The initial active construction zone will be established between Beach Marker 55 and 57A, south of the Coligny Beach Park access. Necessary shore pipe will be pre-deployed in 1000’ piles from South Forest Beach to southern Palmetto Dunes order to support what is expected to be very quick forward progress until we reach the point where the project ceased prior to Hurricane Matthew. From there, normal construction operations will resume. In coming days, work is expected to advance to the north adjacent to and then beyond Coligny, North Forest Beach and Shipyard. Work within this segment will proceed as far north as near the Windsor Court South development (adjacent southern Palmetto Dunes). A revised construction schedule is forthcoming and will be released when complete. Additional Beach Renourishment Project information is available at the Town’s website: www.hiltonheadislandsc.gov