12 Aug Lowcountry Chorale looking for singers!
LOOKING FOR SINGERS! The Lowcountry Chorale, a mixed-voice community of singers, has begun preparation for its upcoming season. The Chorale has been singing as a group since the spring of 1997, with continuous performances twice a year. VOICES NEEDED. NO AUDITION NECESSARY…just a love of singing! Rehearsals begin at 6:45 PM Tuesday, August 23rd at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 157 Lady’s Island Drive, Beaufort. Thirteen weeks of rehearsals will culminate in performances on NOVEMBER 18TH AND 19TH. The group is under the direction of Mr. Alan Lathan. All who love to sing are welcome to join! Please call Shari at 843-252-3990 for more information. PLEASE NOTE: FIRST REHEARSAL WILL START AT 6:15 PM FOR REGISTRATION.