05 Nov Offshore Drilling At the Ballot Box
Beaufort stepped out front in opposition to offshore exploration and drilling. As i met with other Mayors, and got their support through resolutions, I never believed the issue would be embraced so quickly and passionately as it seems to have in Georgetown.
Furthermore, watching municipal elections in Summerville, Mt Pleasant and Charleston, it appears that many South Carolinians are becoming more and more concerned about managing growth, something not new to Beaufort County or it’s municipalities. BK
The anti-drilling candidates endorsed by SODA – Stop Offshore Drilling in the Atlantic - have defeated Georgetown City Council candidates who supported drilling.
SODA issued a statement Tuesday night saying the message is clear – No Drilling Off the Shore of South Carolina. SODA ran a prominent ad supporting Sheldon Butts, Al Joseph and Clarence Smalls. The three were the only City Council candidates who told the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce they opposed oil and gas drilling in the Atlantic waters.
The statement said “The message is very clear. In the words of Mayor Joe Riley, our coast is not for sell to the oil and gas industry. Every coastal municipality in South Carolina has passed a resolution opposing drilling. These mayors know what will help and hurt their communities.”
“Georgetown City Council voted earlier to oppose drilling. The industry would like to overturn that. They lost. The good citizens of Georgetown sent a loud message. “
SODA’s statement said the “fight against drilling is just beginning. We may not have the Washington lobbyists and big bucks, but we have something more important – our love of South Carolina’s coast.”
SODA is a nonpartisan citizen led group opposed to offshore drilling. SODA was formed in Georgetown County, and has now expanded to Horry and Charleston counties.
For more information: Jean Marie Neal
jnmneal@aol.com 202/841-9829