16 Jul Rotary Club of the Lowcountry Elects Officers for 2016-2017
For Immediate Release
For More Information
Laura Fanelli
Rotary Club of the Lowcountry Elects Officers for 2016-2017
Rotary Club of the Lowcountry recently installed new officers: President Alan Beach, President -elect Scott Klumb, Secretary Peach Morrison, Executive Secretary Alice Howard and Treasurer Doug Crowley.
Pictured below is newly installed President Alan Beach making his acceptance remarks.
Below, are new Officers and Committee Chairs:
Left to right: Bill Evans, Club Service Chair; Scott Klumb, President-Elect; Blake McDonald, Vocational Chair; Kathy Crowley, Community Service Chair; Jeff Althoff, Past President; Jatin Patel, New Generations Chair.
Rotary Club of the Lowcountry is known as the little club that could. Although a small club we are very active in the community giving our time and funds we raise to local non-profit organizations. Rotary’s motto is service above self: our club always welcomes anyone interested in becoming a member.
For more information and if interested in joining, visit www.rotaryclubofthelowcountry.org.