City Manager Report 10/25/16

01 Nov City Manager Report 10/25/16

The following is a summary of City Manager Bill Prokop’s Report to City Council on October 25, 2016:


  1. Recap of storm damage: We had about 214 properties damaged and only 6 were uninhabitable, and of those 4 were vacant. Two families had to make other living arrangements. Like most other area the biggest damage is from trees falling on homes and out buildings. We did have some water damage and mold issues but the vast majority are tree related. We issued: 214 total inspections cards;

150 Green cards – go ahead and repair no permit necessary

58 Yellow Cards – work needs to be done -permit to be issues at no fee but must have permit and be inspected.

6 Red Cards – Must be rebuilt not livable.

  1. Debris Removal – This latest information is: last night the County Council adopted a Proclamation authorizing the County Administrator to declare a countywide Health Emergency and Public Safety concern do to the amount of debris on our public right of ways and call for the collection of all, not matter where it is located in the County – State roads, county roads, city street, private roads and streets, or gated communities. This will require that we pick it up and this was also sent to FEMA as backup for the need to collect all debris. The debris will be picked up no matter where it is located.That is the latest and we did have activity starting yesterday within the City. All we can do is ask our residence for patience knowing that it will be done as quickly as it can be arranged. Now I hope that everyone understands that the City just like the individual homeowner is participant in this program. The County has set up the program and has hired a FEMA approved contractor – who is a specialist in debris cleanup. If anyone has a question they can call the debris contractors 24 hours Customer Service number 1-877-786-7612.
  1. FEMA Reimbursement: We are at the very beginning stages of a long detailed administrative process to claim reimbursement for our cost and future mitigation funding. Kathy Todd will be our primary contact and Neal Pugliese will be our alternate. We will be coming back to you at a later date to give you an update on our request. We expect this process to last for the next 3-6 months.
  2. Questions?