16 Oct City of Beaufort Again Seeking Board and Commission Members
A smooth running city relies heavily on citizens who volunteer to serve on both regulatory and advisory Boards and Commissions. To learn more about the boards and commissions CLICK HERE.
We are currently seeking members for the Zoning Beaufort of Appeals. Positions on other Boards and Commissions will be opening up this winter and spring.
The ZBOA meets on the 4th Monday of month at 5:30 PM. The ZBOA hears applications for variances, special exceptions, and appeals from the decision of the zoning administrator. There are no special qualifications to serve on the Board other than being an interested city resident. I have attached information from our ordinance about the ZBOA, the Variance, Special Exception, and Appeals processes. I have also attached the Board’s Rules of Procedure.
If you are interested in applying for the ZBOA, other board or commission, or just considering having your name of file for future consideration, please download an application. Completed applications should be sent to Ivette Burgess, City Clerk at iburgess@cityofbeaufort.org.