Rising Sea Levels in Rural Areas

18 Apr Rising Sea Levels in Rural Areas

Last week I had the honor of being the key note speaker for the Southeastern and Caribbean Sea Level Conference on Tybee Island.  While some talked about climate change, my focus was on measurable changes in sea level rises (regardless of the causes) that communities along coastal areas are seeing.

Based on quantifiable facts from  scientific data, I told the assembly that if we held the conference in 80 years it might mean we arrived by boat, wearing waders to the beach resort where we would have to climb onto risers like the ones they use in Venice Italy during the high tide season.  That would not be fun. Fortunately, there is something we can do to avoid it.

Infrastructure to protect our cities and towns from rising sea levels is one thing. How to save rural areas steeped in culture that reflects out past and present is an even larger challenge.

The Charleston Aquarium will host an event at Penn Center on May 14th at which this topic will be discussed and worth attending.

Read More:

South Carolina Aquarium to host May climate change forum at Penn Center